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Travis Scott Faces Over 100 Lawsuits following Astroworld Tragedy

American rapper, Travis Scott, faces up to 100 lawsuits following the tragic events at his Astroworld concert.

Nine people were killed at Travis Scott’s Astroworld music festival on Friday, November 5. Hundreds of concertgoers were injured and about twenty-five people were hospitalized. The ages of those who died ranged from 14 to 27 years old. The youngest patient hospitalized due to the show is only 9 years old.

Eight people were confirmed dead on the night of the show, and the death toll rose to 9 on November 10 as a result of a brain injury. About 50,000 people attended the rapper’s Astroworld Festival.

Travis Scott has been sued by the families of those who died as well as those injured. According to New York Post the families continue to file lawsuits against Travis and the festival promoters, Live Nation. As of now, over 100 lawsuits have been filed against the rapper. More legal claims are expected in the coming days.

However, Houston officials are investigating the potential cause of the deaths at the festival. They vowed to provide answers to how this tragic event unfolded.

“This is a very, very active investigation, and we will probably be at it for quite some time to determine what exactly happened,” Mayor Sylvester Turner said.

Houston Police Department chief Troy Finner added, “This is now a criminal investigation that’s going to involve our homicide division, as well as narcotics, and we’re going to get down to the bottom of it.”


It is unclear what triggered the chaos and the tragic events that followed. According to Houston fire chief San Peña told CNN “The crowd [for whatever reason] began to push and surge towards the front of the stage, which caused the people in the front to be compressed”

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